World Unity Week JUNE 19-26 2021

World UNITY Week (WUW) is a groundbreaking online gathering over 8 days in June where global changemakers come together to connect, celebrate and advance the emerging good unfolding in the world.

From 19 to 26 June, various (former) CHE employees will present a program there. Their current work has roots in years of practicing with the ideas of SDi, Art of Hosting, Chaotic Design and Meshworking within CHE. One of the driving forces and co-organizers of this WUW is The Hague Center For Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence. This center was initiated within CHE NL in 2009 by Peter Merry and Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and mainly focused on foreign projects. THC has grown beautifully in the meantime and operates with Anne-Marie as director in both smaller local and complex large projects on an international scale. One of those projects is World Unity Week, which is a good example of meshworking; practicing unity in action, for which CHE was the nursery. There may be several interesting programs during WUW by (former) CHE employees. For example, there is a session with Marilyn Hamilton (Integral Cities) and Peter Merry about the 'Theory of Everything' (on Tuesday, June 22 at 11:00 CEST zoom ID 91087559939). And Alain Volz will enter into a dialogue about meshweaving and 'engaging from wholeness with a broken system' (on June 24 at 17:00 CEST zoom ID 96542113514). Contributions by Anne-Marie in the One World Townhall. And by registering here you are invited to enter ROOM ONE, for all plenary programs in zoom. The colorful graphic representation of all 'rooms' visually guides you (made by Kara Stonehouse THC). More information: website: On Facebook follow/like/share World Unity Week on: World UNITY Week Or on:
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