
The CHE can be a great place for you to further develop yourself. You are most welcome. But if you want to support the development of the CHE in another way, you can also make a donation.

Help with an automatic transfer of, for example, € 10 per month or € 100 per year. Transfer your contribution to IBAN account number: NL51 TRIO 0212 4791 72 in the name of the Center for Human Emergence Foundation in Utrecht. Or pay via our 

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The Center for Human Emergence foundation has been designated as public benefit institution (ANBI)) In many cases donations are tax deductible.

The CHE always produces an annual report. Here you can do it annual report 2021-2022  download and the 1149 signed annual accounts 2022 St. Center for Human Emergence. Older Annual Reports can be found under Publications.