CHE Salon: Meshworking in Mexico at COP16

14 maart, met o.a. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve"
Join us to unpack our learnings with you, share our questions, improve our understanding how to serve, and to experience which piece of the puzzle you hold in engaging in societal transition. The outcomes of this Salon will be used as input for further exploration at the 5th EuroConFab 8-10 April in Almere."

14 maart, met o.a. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve"
Join us to unpack our learnings with you, share our questions, improve our understanding how to serve, and to experience which piece of the puzzle you hold in engaging in societal transition. The outcomes of this Salon will be used as input for further exploration at the 5th EuroConFab 8-10 April in Almere."

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