What comes to light when you delve into 5000 years of history of money in relation to the development of human consciousness? Once asked, this question Jack Hilema, who, in addition to Tropical Cultural Engineering in Wageningen, also studied Philosophy in Nijmegen, and worked as a trader of organic fruit and vegetables, communication advisor and teacher. What makes him so interested in money? "Nothing. I'm not concerned with money at all,” he says, and then immediately follows: “And: everything! Society revolves around money. With your money you give direction to what can and cannot be developed. So if you immerse yourself in money, you immerse yourself in man and his world view, his view of God. Money is the social expression of spirit where I see spirit as the element in our inner life that focuses, that is creative, that decides to go into something lovingly – or not. Viewed from that point of view, it fascinates me immensely how together we can consciously focus on what we want to develop in the world.”
The three evenings
The three evenings about money and awareness have been cast in the format of CHE Salons that suits Jac well. Each time he will give an introduction, then accompany an exercise in which the creative capacity of those present is addressed, after which reflection takes place with the question: What have we become aware of? Jac: “Our creative abilities are endless, but often we are unconsciously trapped in images that limit us. What I do is bring people into contact with the underlying world of ideas, the infinite creative power that you can focus on anything. Also on the money management that we could set up very differently than now with credit money that favors a small elite. We will look at how we can transform the current system in such a way that it enables the next phase of our human and societal development.”
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Economy Transformers
Within the initiative of the Economy Transformers (ET) is Jack the ET Academy started. After a successful pioneering year, he will start teaching a three-year course next September, which he describes as a space in which people can develop themselves into social artists. “We join the impulse of learning to trust one's own thinking and perception of the very first academy ever, that of Plato. In terms of thinking and acting, we are in line with Goethe's natural scientific world view, as later elaborated by Rudolf Steiner in the Philosophy of Freedom.” The training takes place in Het Ferry house in Varik which advertises itself as Village Trade Center. “And I love going anywhere eight people gather,” adds Jac. “In principle, we do the same as on the three CHE evenings, but more, more structurally and with the intention of getting to work personally and helping each other in realizing innovative initiatives.”
Money and Consciousness
(past, present and future)
'If people want to create a future in which they live together in peace and in a fair way divide the jointly produced goods among themselves, then in my opinion a step of consciousness is necessary, which each individual person has to take for himself. If people do not take that step of consciousness, then I see civilization crumbling stone by stone and more severe crises follow each other at an increasing pace. Every new crisis gives people a new chance to gather themselves together to create new futures from within, based on love and trust.'
In a series of three meetings, Jac Hielema will not only sketch the history of money in relation to the development of human consciousness, but will also do thinking and perception exercises with the participants, which offer the opportunity to experience that there are subjective world of imagination and experience, is an objective, loving, creative world of ideas, which is the foundation of the physical-sensory world of appearance. According to Jac, it is time to deepen our inner life into that world of ideas, from which everyone can draw his or her ideas that he or she can base his or her actions on.
Red line of this salon series that takes place at Venwoude, Lage Vuursche
Evening 1 – Monday 14 November 2016
First hour:
Sketch of the history of money in relation to the development of human consciousness from 3.000 BC to 1917.
Second hour:
Exercise: observing your own thinking, experiencing yourself as the creator of the ideas on the basis of which you make decisions and choices.
Evening 2 – Monday 28 November 2016
First hour:
Humanity in crisis, the history of money (and violence) from the twentieth century to the present.
Second hour:
Exercise: living the ideas, experiencing the living and creative power of fruitful ideas and the depressing and destructive power of unfruitful ideas.
Evening 3 – Monday 12 December 2016
First hour:
Possible future scenarios if man continues on the current path he has chosen or if he renews himself from within.
Second hour:
Exercise: visualizing possible futures and one's own contribution to it.