If there is no radical turnaround, we will move on to a 3-degree temperature increase by 2100, while the latest IPCC report states that an increase of more than 1,5 degrees will already lead to major risks. Where is the politics, where are the political parties and movements that are going to lead us out of this doomsday scenario? It is striking that politicians mainly continue to argue and want to become bigger – preferably the largest. Many think that following 'the voice of the people' will lead them to that success. The fear of losing votes, the fear of being mistaken for an 'intellectual' who is out of touch with 'the people', the fear of falling outside the 'group' (the political elite), all these fears are bad counselors for the courageous politicians we need now. The vote of the people does not necessarily lead to the wisest solutions (see Hitler Germany or the recent elections in Brazil). How has democratic development in our country actually progressed so far? Where and why do we get stuck? In this article (on p. 50 of Pioniers Magazine) you will find an analysis of the current situation and a direction to move forward.