Building the Meshwork for Circular Economy NL

Recently, Wisdom Council member Herman Wijffels and Anne-Marie Voorhoeve gave an interview in the magazine Tijdschrift voor Marketing (TvM) about the necessary transformation to a sustainable society with a circular economy. On Valentine's Day they led TvM's Round Table meeting with some 17 marketing directors as a follow-up to that Call for Action. Using parts of CHE's Meshwork Process, the marketers searched for underlying principles and possible breakthrough areas, also answering the question of what their personal drive is to move towards a sustainable organization and what this requires of us as people, citizens, marketers. Peter Merry gave an inspiring intervention about the growth of the group “New Realists” that can be explained from SDi. A report will appear in the April issue of Magazine for Marketing. The participants indicated in the check out that they wanted to contribute to the Meshwork for Circular Economy io

The transition to the circular economy was also central to the February meeting of SVE, where Anne-Marie, as a member of SVE's Advisory Council, talked to the 40 female entrepreneurs. How do we define what that is? There is a need for a revaluation of feminine values ​​in entrepreneurship and society. How can the members of SVE set an example in the search for that new paradigm and the new entrepreneurship? A number of SVE members will jointly investigate what the next steps will be.