ALL CHANGE! The old system has come to an end…
More and more people are becoming aware of the change(s) that are occurring. These are not small linear changes: things are changing in a not-normal way; intense, unexpected and fundamental. Many people feel they don't understand and don't have control about the quick changing society. Life conditions now ARE Change and they are changing. This also evokes fear. Nobody knows, not even the politicians or decision makers. And when people lose their faith in leadership, it can be really dangerous…
Everything is linked. It is not possible any more to find solutions for small parts of what is happening, we have to look at the whole! How can we handle this? It is time to replace the old system with a more overall perspective including different partial perspectives. We see the old system has come to an end. A break is needed and emerging. ALL CHANGE!
ALL CHANGE! – the events
In June – September 2013, you can participate in a series of six ALL CHANGE! Tele-seminars that will also be combined with local area events in different countries around the world. The main focus of the ALL CHANGE! project is to familiarize people with evolutionary change dynamics and, from that perspective, to look at what it means for their work in the world. How does change work? What do we mean when we say change? What kind of change are we talking about in the world today? How can we learn about the natural patterns of change in our personal, community, work and social lives, so that we can adapt to it and not be overwhelmed by it? How do we apply these insights in our daily work and life? These questions and many more will be explored during the upcoming ALL CHANGE! event.
ALL CHANGE! – supporting change in practical ways
Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi) is a beautiful model to help us get a grip on all the change that is happening on individual, organizational and societal level. But it's real treasure lies in the tools that it offers us for responding to change. In particular, the perspectives on different kinds of change, how we value the conditions for change to happen and how we can support the most fitting outcomes to emerge in a natural and sustainable way. Answering these types of questions are the special province of SDi – which is also known as: “The Theory that Explains Everything”.
ALL CHANGE! – the Global Events Program
- Free Global event: 'Into The Spiral', A sparkling introduction into Spiral Dynamics Integral by Cherry Beck and Jon Freeman, completed with music and pictures
In the next five Tele-seminars, four renowned speakers will be interviewed by Peter Merry and Marilyn Hamilton to explore and elaborate a variety of aspects relating to change at the Societal, Organizational and Personal levels. Each speaker's views will be correlated back to the core change perspectives.
- Dr. Don Beck will introduce SDi's special tools and perspectives.
- Cindy Wigglesworth will explore All Change on a personal level
- Jean Houston will go into the world of cultural change
- dr. Ikhak Adizes will share his expertise in the field of change in organizations.
- 'And now?' This Interactive Teleseminar will focus on integration and applying the Change Dynamics in your local environment:
Price for this series of five teleseminars: $99 (Early bird offer till 1st June: $79)
Including access to: All event materials will be online and available long term for participants. There will also be an opportunity provided for engaging in an online forum to exchange experiences and knowledge. You can become a participant of this All Change Event by subscribing:
ALL CHANGE! – the Local Events Programme
Alongside these Tele-seminars, several of the national Centers for Human Emergence (CHE's) will organize local ALL CHANGE! activities, such as project conversations, workshops and face-to-face seminars designed to bring the general theory applied to real-life change situations. It's important that we support people and projects in very practical ways.
The ALL CHANGE! event will offer these outcomes for Participants:
- You will feel like you can surf the tsunamis of change in the world today.
- You will take away valuable insights for community, business, family and yourself.
- You will be introduced to tried and tested frameworks that help you see the patterns of change and make sense out of chaos.
- You will have new thinking tools to help plan and manage your world.
- You will find justification and encouragement for positive expectations.
- You will be assured that you are not alone in the world.
- You will benefit from connections that can emerge Collective Intelligence to apply to emerging, complex problems.
- You will create new relationships with people next door in your city and across the planet, so you have new resources in coping with change.
How do you get a handle on change? That's the question…. The old system is approaching its expiration date. The economic, ecological, financial and administrative systems are in need of drastic renewal, which will affect all areas of our lives. The CHE-Teleseminar series on 'Change Dynamics', which will take place from June to September 2013, will give you a grip on the functioning and handling of change. The series offers insight into how change takes place on a personal, organizational or social level and what the preconditions are for making the transition to a new, more complex reality without stagnation or a deep fall.
More and more people are experiencing the major changes that are taking place: intense, non-linear, unexpected, fundamental changes. Many of them do not understand these changes and feel that they are losing their grip on the environment and the rapidly changing society. Living conditions now ARE change and even that is changing again. That triggers fear and insecurity in people. However, no one has a definitive answer, not even our politicians and captains of industry. And if the people lose their faith in the leaders…..
How do we get out of this stalemate? Finding solutions to the symptoms or the sub-problems doesn't seem to work anymore. Everything appears to be interconnected and interdependent. We now understand that you have to look at the entire system and the interrelationships and from there you can determine what the appropriate answers are. It is high time to replace the old system with a more overall perspective in which there is room for different partial perspectives. The above considerations form the basis of ALL CHANGE!
This teleseminar series will elaborate on the theme of change dynamics in a number of dimensions, making use of, among other things, the methodology and possibilities of Spiral Dynamics Integral.
The series of six seminars consists of:
* The teleseminars are pre-recorded. The date indicates from when the recording can be listened to.
- Present* – An intro teleseminar on Spiral Dynamics Integral
- June 3* – Dr Don Beck's Interview with Peter Merry on Change Dynamics
- June 15 – Live Maestro discussion on Change Dynamics
- June 17* – Dr Ichak Adizes interview with Marilyn Hamilton, talking on Organizational Change
- June 29 – Live Maestro discussion on Organizational Change
- July 1* – Dr Jean Houston in an interview with Peter Merry talks on Cultural Change
- July 13 – Live Maestro discussion on Cultural Change
- July 15* – Cindy Wigglesworth interview by Marilyn Hamilton on Personal Change
- July 27 – Live Maestro Discussion on Personal Change
- July 29* – Integration and Next Steps in Navigating Change with Marilyn Hamilton
- August 10 – Live Maestro Discussion around Integration and Next Steps.
Spiral Dynamics Integral as a theoretical and practical framework
SDi (Spiral Dynamics Integral) is a wonderful instrument to analyze what is going on at an individual, organizational and societal level. The real value lies in the possibilities for application: the perspectives on the different types of change, how we can value the conditions under which change takes place and how we can contribute to creating the conditions that help organic and sustainable change.
Working out and deepening these kinds of questions is SDi's great strength, which is why it is often referred to as 'The theory that explains everything'.
Local activities
In addition to this worldwide ALL CHANGE! webinars will feature a number of local CHEs, including the CHE NL ALL CHANGE! Organize salons, dialogues, workshops and seminars designed to relate general theory to local examples and application in practice.
More info
follow the website, CHE NL ALL CHANGE! Facebook groups, Newsletters and additional messages from the CHE and CHE-Synnervate for current updates.
More information can be found in the English version of this post and on the Global CHE's hub site:
[updated: May 13, 2013]