When what is is being named, the system relaxes and new information can make itself known. To do this expertly is one of the qualities we develop within CHE NL. I noticed the effect myself when on March 1, I proposed to fullfill the roles of Integral Alignment Officer and thus Lead of CHE NL. I conciously include the role of Organizational Spaceholder that I have been fulfilling since 2008 in this leadership as this is what I see myself do: holding space for what wants to happen in this world in transition through us as sacred partnership in life and stimulating each to play their own part fully free and fully connected to the whole while making optimum use of all we have researched and developed in the past eight years.
We have a lot to build on. We conducted research into the characteristics of Turquoise or the holistic paradigm. We developed meshworking as a way to engender multi-stakeholder collaboration towards a common goal in complex issues. We did research into how we can bring about change by working in the energetic architecture. We practice hosting salons in such a way that new insights emerge.
Now the time has come for embodiment and integration of all we have experimented so we can make our offerings to the world in which new forms want to manifest. We want to straighten up the organization by renewing our commitment to the practice of holacracy – thank you to Koen Bunders for offering to facilitate us in this process as with the transparency it creates and freedom it gives to each to fulfill their role in their own way, this still seems like the organizational operating system of the future.
In collaboration with the other CHE's worldwide we will offer insight into the dynamics of change through a number webinars under the name ALL CHANGE! We continue offering the bi-monthly salons as space where the new makes itself known and with constellation where people from a field of practice find new forms. It often is a case of finding the direction while plotting the course. There is no doubt that we are on our way to new forms but what they look like and how we get there, no one knows. The only thing one can do is steer by compass. CHE NL does this by phrasing the common purpose as 'sacred partnership in life'. Assuming oneness, acknowledging natural order in all life, enacting the role that is ours to play, acting when the time is right and holding when it's not, clarifying creative tension until new insight emerges and acting from mutual trust and being accountable to each other and the whole at all times – that's the way to get there, even if we don't yet know the course.
Lisette SchuitemakerIf what is going on is stated, the system relaxes and new information can make itself known. Doing this skillfully is one of the qualities that we develop at the CHE. I noticed it firsthand when I myself on March 1st. suggested in the role of Integral Alignment Officer and thus Lead of CHE NL. I also include the role of Organizational Spaceholder that I have fulfilled in that leadership since 2008, because that is how I see it: holding space for what wants to happen through us as a dedicated partnership in life in this world in transition and stimulating everyone to connect and freedom to play the appropriate role in it, making the most of everything we've researched and developed together over the past eight years.
And that's quite a bit. We investigated the characteristics of Turquoise or the holistic paradigm. We developed mesh working as a way to work together with countless stakeholders on complex issues towards the common goal. We investigated how we can bring about change by working energetically. We became proficient in hosting salons in such a way that new insight presents itself.
The coming period will mainly be dominated by the embodiment and integration of everything we have to offer as a result of this in the world in which new forms want to manifest themselves. We are tightening up the organization by recommitting ourselves to the practice of under the leadership of Koen Bunders holacracy. With the clarity that this organizational form creates and the freedom it gives everyone to organize their work in their own way, this still seems to be the system of the future.
In collaboration with other CHEs worldwide, we give in a number of webinars understanding the dynamics of change. We will continue to offer biweekly salons as a place where the new makes itself known and with the constellations where practitioners find new forms. It is often, as Prof. Cees Zwart once called it, steering course-finding. We are going to new forms, but no one knows what they look like and how you get there. All you can do is point your compass. The CHE does this by formulating the common destiny as 'a dedicated partnership in life'. Assuming unity, recognizing natural order in all life, fulfilling the role we have to fulfill, acting when the time is right and enduring if not, clarifying creative tension until new understanding presents itself, acting from mutual trust and ready accountability at all times to each other and the whole – that's how we have to get there, even if we don't know the course yet.
Lisette Schuitemaker