“Lead yourself with such authenticity and depth that other people will choose to follow”
Cindy Wigglesworth, founder of Deep Change
On February 13, the above title was the theme for the CHE salon. More than 30 visitors took part in an inspiring evening. During the EuroConfab in April 2011, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and Gertjan Broekman came into contact with 'Deep Change/SQi' thanks to Ian McDonald (CHE-UK).
With the help of the Spiritual Intelligence Assessment, Deep Change offers a methodology that holds up a mirror to leaders in a coaching manner and helps them to take steps on the deeper path they want to be aware and act. Deep Change builds on the work Daniel Goleman did in the 90s on Emotional Intelligence. The foundation of SQi is formed by 21 skills (competencies), which are each made up of 5 levels. The SQ21 test, based on this, is a nuanced and validated measuring instrument that, with the reporting and (if desired) advice/coaching, offers insight into a path to strengthen the desired competencies.
What appeals to Anne-Marie and Gertjan is the depth and care that Deep Change offers in everything. The thinking and doing, the instruments, the elaboration. Deep Change looks value-free, fits in beautifully with the integral and inclusive thinking of Spiral Dynamics Integral and gives this a recognizable place.
Spiritual intelligence is the ability to behave with Wisdom and Compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace (equanimity) regardless of the situation.
Deep Change's definition of SQi
Anne-Marie and Gertjan are now SQi certified. In the salon they shared their insights and experiences. Together with the visitors, they explored what working on Spiritual Intelligence with the SQ21 test can mean for leaders of organizations, the CHE and the world in transition. There was also a special offer for Salon participants to do the SQ21 test themselves. This offer, which applies until March 31, 2012, Anne-Marie and Gertjan are also happy to make available for CHE-Souls in Roles and CHE donors. The test result reflects how you score on those 21 competencies. It offers you guidance for your individual leadership in relation to your personal assignment or as a leader of organizations.
Here are the two options:
- SQi test with reporting and 'helpdesk' (± 15 minutes) €95 (normally €190)
- SQi test with reporting and coaching conversation (± 2 hours) € 275 (normally € 550)
If you are interested, please send an email to both Anne-Marie (anne-marie@humanemergence.nl) as Gertjan Broekman (gertjan@humanemergence.nl) for the information pack with registration form. The tests will be set up at the end of March and further agreements will be made.
Gertjan Broekman and Anne-Marie Voorhoeve have been involved in the CHE from the start (2005). Anne-Marie is a Strategic Connector and Synnervator, involved in transition processes, designing, developing and facilitating meshworks (multi-stakeholder processes) and initiating processes that bring the CHE into the world. Gertjan is Media Exposure Coordinator, involved in the positioning and communication of and about the CHE. From his own company, Responsable Advice-Guidance-Coaching, he offers an integrated approach for organizational development and more effective communication and collaboration.