The Enneagram of Spiritual Integration
conducted by Michael Welsby
Monday 5 March from 19.00 – 21.30
Center Venwoude, Vuurse Steeg 1, Lage-Vuursche
The Enneagram
The Enneagram is an ancient model, originating from the Sufis, that has become popular as a description of personality types. It can be a surprising and rich experience to recognize yourself in a type. Special about the Enneagram are the practical directions it gives for personal development and growth. Yet the Enneagram has much more to offer…
The Enneagram of Spiritual Integration
The deepest dimension of the Enneagram is a description of our spiritual potential, our "essential nature." It indicates how the aspects of the unconditioned essence manifest spontaneously and naturally in a consciousness freed from the limitations and distortions of the ego.
The experience of the spiritual dimension of the Enneagram is non-dual, present and dynamic. The different aspects appear in response to what is present in the moment. The aspects are pure and completely positive. The Enneagram is also a representation of wholeness; all aspects of Being are represented in it.
Michael will show on this evening how, from the perspective of spiritual integration, the Enneagram can be a guideline for spiritual growth and development. He will also demonstrate the relationship between personality type and essential aspects by inviting the attendees to share their experience with the group.
Michael Welsby
Michael Welsby is one of the first trainers in the Netherlands to work with the Enneagram. After working with Helen Palmer, one of the American founders, he founded his company 'Enneagram Activities'. He has many years of experience working with the Enneagram in companies and organizations. Michael has been a student of the Ridhwan school since 1996. He is increasingly focusing on spiritual growth and awareness work.
We would like to invite you to this salon on Monday March 5, 2012. The salon starts at 19.00:21.30 PM and lasts until XNUMX:XNUMX PM.
Eating together
It is possible to have a cozy and inspiring meal together before the salon. We eat a vegetarian meal between 18.00 pm and 18.30 pm. The costs are
€ 12,50 pp (in cash and to be paid to the CHE Salon host there) and it is appreciated if we help clean up. For a good planning of the kitchen and the purchases, we pass on the number of diners on Friday morning. So give your time (no later than Thursday 1 March 2012) on via
If you can't come unexpectedly, send a text to Diana the Great 06-43825794.
We offer these salons based on the "purpose and principles" of the CHE and in order to make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution, the recommended amount is €5.
Provisional program of upcoming salons
- Monday March 19: Peter Merry, Edwin Holwerda and Marinet Ritz: The relationship purple – turquoise
- Monday 2 April: Janet Ossebaard and Peter Merry – Crop Circles
- Monday 16 April: Margreeth van der Kooij and Leidje Witte – Processing (organizational) traumas through constellations
- Monday 7 May: Ton van der Kroon – Holy places
- Monday 21 May: Odile van Eck – Unwanted childlessness
- Monday 4 June: Jan de Dood – Plan B, setting up a financial system from wholeness
- Monday 18 June: guest speaker & topic to follow.
And also possible, become a donor!
Organized by volunteers for volunteers. And the CHE has costs. From the Chamber of Commerce and the website to wanting to compensate for the time that goes into making connections between parties that enter into collaborations that they could not have dreamed of. To continue to make all this possible, we invite you to become a donor of the CHE.
With an automatic transfer of at least € 20 per month you make our work possible. The Center for Human Emergence NL is recognized as a charity, so your donations are tax deductible. You can register as a donor by sending an email to and/or transfer a one-time donation or monthly amount directly to account number in the name of the Center for Human Emergence Foundation in The Hague. More information can be found here. Incidentally, individual contributions are also very welcome.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Welsby, Margreet Kooistra, Leidje Witte and Diana de Groot
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