Salon: 'Energetic pottery'

Energetic pottery

conducted by Ton van der Kroon

Monday 7 May from 19.00 – 21.30

In De Ruimte (IDR), Oudegracht 230A a/d wharf, 3511 NT Utrecht

(Note! The salon takes place in Utrecht!) 

We cordially invite you to the salon on:

Energetic pottery

A CHE evening about working with the field of the earth by Ton van der Kroon
With music, meditation and conversation

'In the past 25 years I have traveled to many power spots on the earth; Table Mountain, Kilimanjaro, Belucha (Siberia), Arunachala in India, Bali, Jerusalem, Monte Amiata, Montsegur…. Etc.'

'To me they are the libraries of human evolution. I was able to 'download' a lot of knowledge on the spot, as it were, in my search for the why of events at this time. I learned about the Cathars, the Essenes, the Shamans in Siberia and America, and the masters of India and Shambhala. One of the things I learned was to work with the 'field'; the energetic field of the earth, and how to bring it back into balance. Often a place has become unbalanced due to war, conquest or denial and the original spiritual energy can no longer flow freely. In the development of man this connection with the field of the earth is crucial; it's our lifeline. As the collective field of consciousness rises, individual consciousness can grow with it, and vice versa. It is an interactive event. In that respect, energetic pottery resembles family constellations, but for a country, a people or a culture. For the past ten years I have worked a lot in the Middle East: Gaza, Jericho, Jerusalem, Egypt and Syria. It provided a wealth of information and insights about both our history and our future. I would like to share my stories and insights about this on this evening of the CHE. You are most welcome'. Ton van der Kroon

Ton van der Kroon is the author of, among others, 'The Return of the King, the book for men', 'De Zevende Poort', 'The Labyrinth of Time'. From June 1 – 7, '12 he organizes the 8th Healing Conference in Jericho. For information about his work you can visit

We would like to invite you to this salon on Monday May 7, 2012. The salon starts at 19.00:21.30 PM and lasts until XNUMX:XNUMX PM.



We offer these salons based on the "purpose and principles" of the CHE and in order to make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution, the recommended amount is €5.

Provisional program of upcoming salons

  • Monday 21 May: Odile van Eck – Unwanted childlessness
  • Monday 4 June: Jannet Ossebaard and Peter Merry – Crop Circles
  • Monday June 18: Lenne Gieles – Essence coaching.

And also possible, become a donor!

Organized by volunteers for volunteers. And the CHE has costs. From the Chamber of Commerce and the website to wanting to compensate for the time that goes into making connections between parties that enter into collaborations that they could not have dreamed of. To continue to make all this possible, we invite you to become a donor of the CHE.

With an automatic transfer of at least € 20 per month you make our work possible. The Center for Human Emergence NL is recognized as a charity, so your donations are tax deductible. You can register as a donor by sending an email to and/or transfer a one-time donation or monthly amount directly to account number in the name of the Center for Human Emergence Foundation in The Hague. More information can be found here. Incidentally, individual contributions are also very welcome.

Yours faithfully,

Ton van der Kroon, Jonanda Roosingh and Diana de Groot

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