A Speculative Evening on Life, the Universe and Everything
by Peter Merry
Monday 12 December 2011, 19.00 – 21.30
Center Venwoude, Vuurse Steeg 1, Lage-Vuursche
For some time now, Peter Merry has been incubating a new vision of how things hang together and what our role is in that whole. In the last couple of months that vision has started to crystallize. This will be the first time Peter publicly shares his ponderings. Expect to encounter the torus, holograms, systemic energy tuning (informed by ECOtherapy), UZAZU, the I Ching, Spiral Dynamics, Integral theory and more weaving themselves into a tapestry of life unfolding and enfolding at every level. Peter is curious to know how this vision resonates and what you see from your perspective that he doesn't. See it as fireside storytelling with an informal chat afterwards.
Peter Merry is co-founder and Chief Alignment Officer of the CHE NL. He is also a husband, father, speaker, author of the book Evolutionary Leadership and co-founder and faculty of the Wisdom University Europe. If you would to explore in advance some of the things that have inspired him, you can check out:
RSVP before Friday 9 December 2011 via salons@humanemergence.nl
An opening evening about Life, the Universe and Everything
conducted by Peter Merry
Monday, December 12, 2011 from 19.00:21.30 p.m. – XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.
Center Venwoude, Vuurse Steeg 1, Lage-Vuursche
For some time now a new vision has emerged in Peter Merry about the coherence of things and the role we play in that whole. In recent months, that vision has begun to crystallize. This is the first time Peter shares his musings publicly. What to expect The torus, holograms, systemic energetic attunement (based on ECOtherapy), UZAZU, the I Ching, Spiral Dynamics, Integral theory and more that will be woven into a living fabric that unfolds and collapses on every level. Peter would like to know how this resonates with you and what you see from your perspective that he does not see. Think of it as a fireplace story followed by an informal exchange.
Peter Merry is co-founder and Chief Alignment Officer of CHE Netherlands. He is also a husband, father, speaker, author of the book Evolutionary Leadership and co-founder of Wisdom University Europe. If you want to see in advance what inspired him, among other things, see the sites below.
Donate to this salon no later than Friday 9 December 2011 on via salons@humanemergence.nl
Eating together
It is possible to have a cozy and inspiring meal together before the salon. We eat a vegetarian meal between 18.00 pm and 18.30 pm. The costs are
€ 12,50 pp (in cash and to be paid to the CHE Salon host there) and it is appreciated if we help clean up. For a good planning of the kitchen and the purchases, we pass on the number of diners on Friday morning. So give your time (no later than Thursday 8 December 2011) on via salons@humanemergence.nl. If you can't come unexpectedly, send a text to Diana the Great 06-43825794.
We offer these salons based on the "purpose and principles" of the CHE and in order to make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution, the recommended amount is € 5,-.
Upcoming salons
On 9 January 2012, everyone is welcome at the CHE NL New Year's Drink.
From 19.30:22.00 – XNUMX:XNUMX in Amsterdam – you will receive the address when you register with Diana.
In 2012, the salons will start again on Monday 16 January.
The following dates in 2012 are: January 30, February 13, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, May 7, May 21, June 4 and June 18.
And also possible, become a donor!
Organized by volunteers for volunteers. And the CHE has costs. From the Chamber of Commerce and the website to wanting to compensate for the time that goes into making connections between parties that enter into collaborations that they could not have dreamed of. To continue to make all this possible, we invite you to become a donor of the CHE.
With an automatic transfer of at least € 20 per month you make our work possible. The Center for Human Emergence NL is recognized as a charity, so your donations are tax deductible. You can register as a donor by sending an email to Geeske@humanemergence.nl and/or transfer a one-time donation or monthly amount directly to account number in the name of the Center for Human Emergence Foundation in The Hague. More information can be found here. Incidentally, individual contributions are also very welcome.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Merry, Lisette Schuitemaker, Diana de Groot and Leidje Witte