CHE Salon June 17 The power of breath and movement

The power of breath and movement by Marjon van Opijnen

Before you read on…. how are you breathing now?

Chances are that your breath is high and shallow or that you hardly breathe at all. What does this say about you now? Probably now that I'm making you aware of this, you'll immediately catch your breath again. You may even start to breathe a little deeper than you are used to.

You live as you breathe and you move as you live. And there is a good chance that this is not optimal if we look at our physical constitution. This does not only apply to you as an individual, it is a collective phenomenon and a symptom of our hectic and complex society. Our physical system is more stressed than we realize, it has even adapted so much that we have created a new 'default'.

In this salon, the entrance to inquiry is our breath and movement. Our body has all kinds of natural ways to release tension, give space to our movement and deepen our breath. We've just often forgotten these. With the theory in mind, we will experiment with this.

Our research during this salon can provide surprising insights into the relationship between your breath, movement and patterns in your daily life. With more awareness of these aspects, we can more easily deal with difficult situations or cope with the hectic pace of everyday life.


Wear loose clothing in which you can move freely. We are not allowed to wear shoes in the hall, so something warm for your feet can be useful.

Marjon van Opijnen…

…believes that our bodies are the physical expression of our emotions, our thoughts, as well as our essence, our source of inspiration and creativity. Our body is our vehicle to do what we have to do and it is also a huge source of wisdom, it is always in the moment and uncensored in what it shows. Our breath is our main lifeline.

She is the founder of 'Leaders for Economic Change' and the  Embodiment Lab. She helps individuals and organizations to unravel patterns and blockages. So that life can be fully embraced again or the flow in organizations can flow freely again. In addition, Marjon is a lecturer at various universities and teaches systems thinking, leadership and corporate responsibility. From her passion for our body, she also searches for new didactic forms beyond the cognitive. In learning she strives to address the whole person, both in thinking, feeling and acting.


With Eventbrite. You can register – within Eventbrite – by clicking the green 'Attend event' button and you will receive a confirmation of your registration.

Signing up is important, even if you don't join us for dinner. Depending on the number of registrations, we will look for a suitable space. On the day of the salon you will receive an email to know in which room the salon will take place.

If you are unexpectedly unable to come, send a text to Peter Luijten: 06-23184287

Eating together

Venwoude offers the visitors of the salon the opportunity to join the dinner at 18.00 pm. The vegetarian meals are prepared with full-fledged products and fresh vegetables from the region and the season. Venwoude charges € 13,50 pp (in cash and to be paid to the CHE Salonhost there) and it is appreciated if we help clean up.

For a good planning of the kitchen and the purchases, we pass on the number of diners on Friday morning. You can register for dinner by sending an email to Peter Luijten – no later than Friday 14 June before 17.00 p.m.


We offer these salons based on the “purpose and principles” of the CHE. To make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50 per salon.
Also possible, become donor.

You are cordially invited to participate in this salon. We hope you come!

Warm regards,
Marjon van Opijnen and Peter Luijten