End-of-year update Holacracy: Synnervate's Top 10
Holacracy is the new management model for organizations that the CHE and Synnervate have been working with for years. As we see it, it is the best alternative to the traditional management hierarchy (think: rakes!) and fits best with our ambition to embody 2nd tier as an organisation.
In 2015, a lot happened internationally around Holacracy. Our top 10 selection of interesting events:
1. The founding father of Holacracy, Brian Robertson, has written a very readable and practical book, hardly surprisingly entitled 'holacracy' . Highly recommended – even if you do not immediately plan to implement Holacracy tomorrow. And the Dutch translation is excellent.
2. The Book'Reinventing Organizations' by Frederic Laloux caused a furore worldwide last year and appears to have put many people and organizations on the trail of Holacracy. Laloux shows in an inspiring and clear way that in 'enlightened' organizations it is about purpose, wholeness and self-management. Holacracy is mentioned as an example of how you can give shape to this.
3. HolacracyOne published a useful self-organization 'maturity map'. This allows everyone to determine for their organization: where are we – and what are the next natural steps? See
4. Washington State is one of the first major government organizations to work with Holacracy. You can read about their experiences in this BLOG.
5. Closer to home: Holacracy is also being used in the municipality of Venlo. See
6. The Dutch organization Springest has been voted NRC Best Employer of the Year for the second time in the New Heroes category, zie. Holacracy itself plays a major role in this, according to Springest. Springest is one of the most inspiring holacracy pioneers in the Netherlands and offers anyone interested in attending a Springest holacracy work meeting. See
7. The worldwide best-known company that works with Holacracy, Zappos.com, responds with the BLOG below in a humorous way to all the concerned reactions to the radical choice for Holacracy. See.
8. Holacracy is 'hot' and therefore the subject of many superficial reactions in all kinds of media. One of this year's better articles about Holacracy appeared in Emerce. See .
9. Lisette Schuitemaker wrote a beautiful BLOG about how she discovered the quality of the yin-yang balance in Holacracy. While at first, with its strict division of roles and meeting rules, it seemed to her rather yang or focused on action in the outside world.
10. On October 5, 2015, a well-attended CHE salon place led by Certified Holacracy Coach Jasper Rienstra. The research question was: how does Holacracy contribute to bring out the best of all Spiral Dynamics 1st tier value systems?
Jasper Rienstra, director of CHE Synnervate