CHE Salon Monday 1 April
Spring Ritual with fire and dance
This salon has been moved from March 18 to April 1, due to the events in Utrecht on Monday March 18
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive” Howard Thurman
Each of us harbors an undiscovered wilderness: a dark chaos full of life force and organic wisdom. In our fast-paced technological societies, this inner wilderness seems further away than ever… However, many of us feel something bubbling up beneath the veil of everyday reality: a longing for nature, community and interest in indigenous know-how which seems to awaken something in us.
This evening we tune in to the rhythm of nature, around the campfire. Spring, the moment when nature awakens, is a good time to reflect on your own creative power. At Venwoude, in the woods of Lage Vuursche, we perform a ritual to reinforce new initiatives or steps in our lives and to let go of what no longer serves us. We also zoom in individually and jointly – as a CHE tribe – on what wants to unfold through us.
The spring festival was also called Ostara by our ancestors. To Eostra, the goddess of the dawn, to whom this feast was dedicated. For thousands of years you were born into a tribe and that was your living environment and cultural framework. In 2019 it is becoming easier for us to choose our own tribes: groups of people with whom we feel related. At the Center for Human Emergence we work – each with its own unique talents – on social innovation based on unity consciousness.
Léon Beckx, Sara Eenhoorn and Peter Luijten facilitate this evening, inspired by, among others, the work of Bill Pfeiffer (US) about co-creating a culture that honors the earth and celebrates life. Together they organize Wild Earth Wild Soul workshops and retreats. During this salon they work together for the first time in co-creation.
Leon Beckx has a professional background as a psychologist and is the head coach of Diversity Joy, an NGO that offers community development and conflict resolution programs. In addition, Leon is a dance teacher and martial arts practitioner. His experience as ceremony leader of Ecstatic Dance Amsterdam together with nature immersion in Sweden (2014-2016) have shown him that the seeds of what he calls an 'eco-ecstatic culture' germinate: living in connection with nature and with ourselves generates joy of life.
Sara Unicorn is an experienced outdoor guide, working for Otro Elements and Nature Quest. “After high school my biggest question was: who am I? I learned a lot in school, but little about who I was. This question aroused a deep desire to travel within me and that is what I began to do. In the Wild Earth Wild Soul retreat you travel back to yourself and your roots in a short time and in the meantime you learn to play with reality as it unfolds here and now. Playfulness and having fun is the key for me”.
Peter Luijten has been a salon host at the CHE since 2010. He works in education and in the field of lifelong learning. As a policy advisor and facilitator/trainer, he switches between national and international policy and practice. Peter likes dancing and DJing and long walks in the woods. He is trained as a shamanic practitioner, from the Siberian tradition.
Registration You are cordially invited to participate in this salon, organized by the Center for Human Emergence. You can register by clicking on the green 'Attend event' button, you will then receive a confirmation of your registration.
Signing up is important, even if you don't join us for dinner. Depending on the number of registrations, we will look for a suitable space. On the day of the salon, you will receive an e-mail to know in which room the salon will take place.
If you are unexpectedly unable to come, send a text to Peter Luijten: 06-23184287
Eating together Venwoude offers the visitors of the salon the opportunity to join the dinner at 18.00 pm. The vegetarian meals are prepared with full-fledged products and fresh vegetables from the region and the season. Venwoude charges € 13,50 pp (cash and please pay the appropriate amount to the CHE host) and it is appreciated if we help clean up.
For a good planning of the kitchen and the purchases, we pass on the number of diners on Friday morning. You can sign up for dinner by sending an email - no later than Friday 15 March before 17.00 p.m
Contribution We offer these salons based on the “purpose and principles” of the CHE. To make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50 per salon. Also possible: support the foundation and become donor.
Next salon• Monday 8 April: Deep earth architecture with Wendy Hastrich (Australia)
Warm regards, Leon Beckx, Sara Eenhoorn and Peter Luijten