July 1 is the day we celebrate the abolition of slavery. Fortunately, there has been more attention for this within the CHE in recent years. This year we would like to reflect with you on this day of commemoration.
This meeting is not only important for people whose ancestors were enslaved. But also for the part of the Dutch population that does not feel so connected to the slavery past. In our history lessons there was hardly any attention for it. We are not so used to conversations about this past and we continue to look for adequate language.
Feeling uncomfortable is part of a conversation about perpetrators and abuse of power, as well as the defense mechanisms that quickly emerge when we feel called upon. Consciously dwelling on these mechanisms and experiencing them consciously can help you listen to the painful stories from then and now and have conversations.
You are hereby cordially invited to join us in this online meeting in which we practice Heartfulness and Mindfulness in relation to the slavery past. The meditations last about half an hour and there is a discussion before and after.
Register via the following link: https://mailchi.mp/e008b2bf6906/meditatie-slavernij-verleden-16870486