August 29
Time:07: 00 pm - 09: 30 pm
Click to Register: EN
Vuurse Steeg 1, 3749 AN Lage-Vuursche
Lage-Vuursche, UT, NL, 3749 AN
The Energetics of Europe
Asking whether meaningful interventions could be made, Hans Andeweg, Rijk Bols and others involved in Center for ECOintention have been exploring Europe's energy body for the past 20 years.
We have worked remotely with maps and also visited certain places.
At the Salon we will talk about this work, give you the opportunity to feel the different energies yourself and see how this form of research could be given a broader basis.
Peter and Hans recently presented this work at the Integral European Conference in Hungary. This has resulted in a number of interesting developments.
Come and hear all about it – and experience it for yourself!
You are cordially invited to participate in this salon. You can register by clicking on the green 'YES' button, you will then receive a confirmation of your registration. Signing up is important, even if you don't join us for dinner. Depending on the number of registrations, we will look for a suitable space. On the day of the salon you will receive an email to know in which room the salon will take place. If you are unexpectedly unable to come, please send a text to Leidje: 06 21242255.
Eating together
Venwoude offers the visitors of the salon the opportunity to join the meal. The vegetarian meals are prepared with full-fledged products and fresh vegetables from the region and the season. Venwoude charges € 13,50 pp (in cash and to be paid to the CHE Salonhost there) and it is appreciated if we help clean up.
For a good planning of the kitchen and the purchases, we pass on the number of diners on Friday morning. You can sign up for the food by – at the latest Thursday 25 August before 20.00 Hours – send an email to
Lounges 2016
- September 12, 2016 – Pieter de Vries – Value Match
- September 26, 2016 – Topic to follow
- October 10, 2016 – Tom Christensen – Exploring 2nd tier consciousness
- October 24, 2016 – Saskia Teppema – Additional healing
- November 7, 2016 – Topic to follow
- November 21, 2016 – Topic to follow
- Tuesday December 6, 2016 – Anouk Brack – Intergal warriorship, embodying strength and presence
- December 19, 2016 – Topic to follow.
We offer these salons based on the "purpose and principles" of the CHE and in order to make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50.
And also possible, become a donor!
Organized by volunteers for volunteers. And the CHE has costs. From the Chamber of Commerce and the website to wanting to compensate for the time that goes into making connections between parties that enter into collaborations that they could not have dreamed of. To continue to make all this possible, we invite you to donor to become a member of the CHE. With an automatic transfer of at least € 20,– per month you make our work possible. The Center for Human Emergence NL is recognized as a charity, so your donations are tax deductible.
You can register as a donor by sending an email to and/or transfer a one-time donation or monthly amount directly to IBAN account number NL51 TRIO 0212 4791 72 in the name of the Center for Human Emergence Foundation in Amsterdam. Incidentally, individual contributions are also very welcome.
You are cordially invited to participate in this salon.
We hope you come!
Yours faithfully,
Peter Merry, Hans Andeweg & Leidje Witte