You are currently viewing CHE salon May 11: KRUI-WAGEN: the earth belongs to all of us

CHE salon May 11: KRUI-CAR: the earth belongs to all of us

Without our earth we are doomed. Henry Mentink therefore believes that the entire Earth should be on the World Heritage List and he now walks to UNESCO in Paris in 45 days to literally offer the earth in his wheelbarrow. He departs from Varik on Earth Day (April 22). On 11 May he is almost half way and we meet him in Mons in the south of Belgium.

What is the strength of his down-to-earth approach in which he takes very concrete steps to increase awareness about caring for the earth? How does he shape his leadership in this? In outbreak groups we will investigate what we can do ourselves. What is our own relationship with the Earth? What could our role be in helping more people realize that there is only one planet like ours?

For more information about the cruise, see the website:  You can still support this one – even though Henry is already on the way!

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