Invitation salon December 7, 2015: The history of money in relation to the development of human consciousness led by Jac Hielema

Invitation salon December 7, 2015: The history of money in relation to the development of human consciousness led by Jac Hielema

From before Christ to after Crowdfunding the history of money in relation to the development of human consciousness

What do we do?

What comes to light when you delve into 5000 years of history of money in relation to the development of human consciousness? Jac Hielema did and will outline his findings in half an hour. In short, he discovered that the further development of humanity and the earth depends on the free will and fantasy of each individual human being.

Therefore, in the second part, Jac will guide a think-and-fantasize exercise, first to get to the idea of ​​what a table actually is and how you could create a new one from insight into the nature of the table. Next, we're going to do the same exercise regarding the money. What is the essence of money? And how could you, based on insight into the nature of money, create money that does justice to people and the earth?

About Jac Hielema

This year, Jac Hielema initiated the Economy Transformers (ET academy) academy, a space in which people can develop themselves into social innovators, economy converters or simply life artists on the basis of the so-inside/so-out principle; free, equal, together and the six dimensions developed by Economy Transformers. In addition, he provides training courses Philosophy of freedom of Rudolf Steiner.

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Salon invitation