Spiral Dynamics integral in the media

Spiral Dynamics integral in the media

“In certain periods of the development of countries and peoples, strong leaders are of great importance. Tahmina Akefi and Sebastiaan Valkenburg wrote about this in the previous NRC weekend edition. Their point of view is supported by in-depth research by Elza Maalouf, raised in Lebanon, expert in social and political change and author of Emerge!. “ This quote comes from our first letter to the NRC. See further http://www.nrc.nl/handelsblad/2015/11/14/dictatordebat-democratie-gaat-in-kleine-stappen-1556092

The CHE Writers Collective – consisting of Leida Schuringa, Jasper Rienstra, Lisette Schuitemaker, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve – wants to let the outside world experience how useful it is to look at the world around us through SDi glasses. What can we see if we look at the new refugees, the attacks in Paris or the expected big profit of Wilders? What can be achieved in terms of clarity in direction and possible action perspectives if we analyze what is happening from this broad and multifaceted perspective? That is why we write short articles or letters to the editor for newspapers and websites.

Read our other two pieces via the following links:

Leida Schuringa