Message from Peter Merry

Dear CH friends,

As with all of life's spiraling cycles, there are beginnings, endings and transformations. In the CHE we continue to experiment rigorously and playfully with what it really means to be the fullest expression of life. As the founder, I need to embody that for our organization to be authentic.

In recent months I have become increasingly engaged in a social enterprise whose aim is to bring integral evolutionary learning to higher education, public education and high school education with the highest quality and broadest accessibility, combining the best of online learning environments with in-person transformational experiences. This has grown out of my work with Wisdom University, and increasingly drawn my attention. Recently I was offered the post of Vice-President for Organizational Learning and Design, as well as playing a key role in curriculum development, and I gratefully accepted.

Following a month's contemplation, at the end of CHE's Alignment Circle Governance meeting last Friday, I stepped out of my role as Integral Alignment Officer. I didn't feel that I could honestly continue to commit to fulfilling all the accountabilities in the role, given my new focus. I noticed that trying to energetically steward two entities of this magnitude was too much for me.

At the same time we created a role called Founder to be located in our Wisdom Council and appointed me to that role. The accountabilities are:

  • to be a connection to the founding impulse for the CHE NL
  • to represent the story of CHE NL with integrity
  • to be a member of the Wisdom Council
  • to track CHE NL energetically, consult with the Organizational Spaceholder and inform the Lead and Rep Links of the Alignment Circle of developments where appropriate

It was a relief to feel how naturally and gracefully the transition landed. I am deeply grateful for the support I have had over the years from all of you, and in particular those who have participated with me in our Alignment Circle. It was beautiful synchronicity that during our meeting today we also finalized the new Purpose and Principles, co-created by many of you, to replace the ones I had come up with myself seven years ago. Here they are:


'A sacred partnership in life'

'A Dedicated Partnership Alive'


'We assume oneness'

'We start from unity'

'We acknowledge natural order in all life'

'We recognize natural order in all life'

'We enact the role that is ours to play'

'We fulfill the role that is ours'

'We act when the time is right and hold when it's not'

'We act when the time is right and don't endure it'

'We clarify creative tension until new insight emerges'

'We clarify creative tension until new insight presents itself'

'We act from mutual trust and are accountable to each other and the whole at all times'

'We act on the basis of mutual trust and are always prepared to account to each other and to the whole'

My deep sense, and that of the Alignment Circle, is that this could be a liberation into a next phase for CHE NL as well as me personally. Over the coming weeks we will be looking for a suitable soul to fill the Integral Alignment Officer role, and will of course let you know as soon as we have news. In the meantime, I trust we will do all what needs to be done to make this transition as graceful and powerful for all as possible.

With thanks and love, Peter

Dear CHE friends, in all spiraling cycles of life there is always a beginning, a middle and an end. At CHE, we continue to rigorously and playfully experiment with what it really means to be the fullest expression of life. For our organization to be authentic, I have to embody that as Founder and Lead.

Since the summer of 2012, I have become increasingly involved in a social enterprise that aims to offer integrated evolutionary education to secondary, higher and general education. We want to link the highest quality and broadest accessibility to the best online learning environments combined with personal transformative experiences. This involvement grew out of my work with Wisdom University and it demands more and more of my attention. I was recently offered the position of Vice-President for Organizational Learning and Design where I was asked to also play a key role in curriculum development – ​​with gratitude I said 'yes' to that.

After a month of inner deliberation, I stepped down from my roles of Integral Alignment Officer and Lead of the CHE at the Governance meeting of the Alignment Circle on September 28. Given my new focus, I didn't feel like I could honestly commit to continuing to fulfill all the responsibilities and duties of that role. I noticed that energetically managing and directing two organizations of this size was too much for me. During the meeting we created the role of 'Founder' who will be placed on the Wisdom Council and we have appointed me to the role. What the organization counts on in this role is:

  • To be a connection with the impulse to establish the CHE NL
  • Representing the story of the CHE NL with integrity
  • Be a member of the Wisdom Council
  • Follow the CHE NL energetically, consult with the Organizational Spaceholder and where appropriate inform the Lead and Rep Links of the Alignment Circle of developments

It was a relief to feel how naturally and gracefully this transition took place. I am grateful for the support I have received over the years from all of you, especially those who participated with me in our Alignment Circle. Seven years ago I came up with the formulation of the destination and the principles of the CHE NL. It was a wonderful synchronicity that at my last Governance meeting we also finalized the new destination and starting points, as they have come together with contributions from many of you.