Leaders for Economic Change

In the Leaders for Economic Change Program of Amsterdam Bright City, ZuidAs, more than 30 international students and young professionals went through an intensive, integrated program in search of New Economics. Herman Wijffels sketched the big framework in the first module. Peter Merry and Anne-Marie Voorhoeve concluded the program with a module about The inner dynamics of change – old paradigms and new marketing paradigms.

Anne-Marie is also involved in the closing of the programme, which is shaped in the Economic Exchange Conference on March 16. At this conference, all participants in groups of 5 present their visions on the economy and leadership in 2030. These presentations are accompanied by a full-day program with, among others, Paul Gilding, Klaas van Egmond, Alexander Rinnooy Kan, Herman Wijffels, Chantal Gill'ard and others. many others. In addition, together with all visitors, further work is being done on the action plan that resulted from the program. It promises to be an interactive, inspiring and promising day.

CHE's The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence will guide a selected group of students to the Caux Conference Trust & Integrity in Global Economics, where the action plan and visions will be shared with the 150 international participants.