CHE 10 years of living lab

In 2005, the Netherlands seemed to be on the verge of breaking down or breaking through. Within the CHE we started experimenting with working from unity. How do you organize yourself, how do you make decisions and what do you do when you put unity consciousness first? As guinea pigs and scientists at the same time, we conducted research, developed conversational methods, adopted Holacracy as a 21st-century governance system, served customers and introduced the next version of Spiral Dynamics integral viewing. The transition to the next form in which we organize society is still in full swing. We also.

Place for everyone

Imagine a society in which there is a place for every person that fits exactly where she or he is at that moment. A place in which this individual can flourish and grow optimally, while the whole is optimally served by that flowering and growth. Is this a utopia or is it where we are headed? At CHE, we believe the latter. Not from idealism but based on the development we go through as individuals and as a species. From an instinctively survival-oriented baby we develop into part of a family, a family, a clan. One day we break out to assert and get to know ourselves as individuals. At a certain point it becomes attractive to conform to the rules of a larger whole that gives you more options. When you know the rules of the game, you can expand the playing field and form strategic alliances with others. Then you have to be able to count on them to keep their promises. You have to be able to trust them. That's the only way you'll get better at it. At some point, the realization dawns that your true satisfaction no longer comes from winning but from doing things for someone else, even if you don't know them. You will reflect on who you are and the effect of what you do. You can look back on the road you went to become a person who is not so much concerned with himself as with being consciously a part of the mystery of life. The mystery in which everyone plays a role and has a place.

Unity over self-interest

As a society, we are still at a turning point. Since 2005 there has been a growing awareness that we are in a time when a number of systems that have brought us where we are are coming to an end. Take the sustainability of the democratic system as we know it for about a century and a half. In many countries, elections reveal a social divide, which makes government virtually impossible in the US, for example. In our country, our prime minister must always put unity above his own party interests. With his agility, he is a fine example of someone who always sees an opening through which he can make unlikely combinations for the benefit of progress. Or take the financial system that ensures that the rich get richer because a multiple of the global gross national product flashes across the world through electronically controlled trade in financial products. Once again, a movement is visible at home to ensure that banks are concerned with the public interest rather than enriching their shareholders. Then there is the climate crisis, which is unfolding slowly but steadily. Although the number of wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars in our country is steadily growing, it is China in this area that is immediately achieving the much-needed thousand-fold with drastic measures. Living conditions dictate the answers that we as humans find. In one country it is suffocating air pollution, in another moral indignation.

Partnership alive

Every crisis gives the opportunity to act differently. We believe we are able to live in partnership, with each other, as part of nature and in line with the evolution we have gone through as a species so far. In the next step of that development, there is an appropriate place for everyone. In that society we assume that everyone belongs and we ensure that everyone actually experiences that. At the same time, there is an opportunity for people to do their own thing, within the rules that serve us all. There is room for creatives who push boundaries and bring innovation, while the limits of what the earth can bear and what is morally desirable are always part of decision-making. Just as you can say that the one divine principle expresses itself in the multiplicity of appearances, so the diversity within society is the expression of unity. That's the breakthrough we're still on the way to. It is not said that it will come. But that we will continue to research, apply and share our findings. Open to new people who come to strengthen the organization, we actively communicate what it means to commit yourself as a dedicated partnership in life for integral social renewal. Anyone who wants to participate is most welcome.